LATIN HORROR has attained exclusive photographs of the costume armor worn by the FIRE NATION Warriors on M. Night Shymalan's THE LAST AIRBENDER, including detail of the Fire Nation helmut. We also have an early rendition of the Fire Nation screensaver art from the film. The film is based on the first season of the animated television series that aired for three seasons on Nickelodeon.
The Nickelodeon Movies/Paramount production is currently shooting in Shymalan's native Philadelphia from a script by Michael Dante DiMartino. Cinematographer Andrew Lesni (all Lord of the Rings films) is lensing the film. Originally titled AVATAR: The Last Airbender, "Avatar" was dropped after James Cameron began production on a film of the same name.
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Pictured in the manacing armature is New York-based actor / singer J.W. Cortes (A Kiss of Chaos / 44 / Sandman's Box), who was cast in the role of a Fire Nation Warrior.
Photos: Courtesy J.W. Cortes.